IMPORTANTE! preparazione PEL


Gentili studenti

vorremmo fare il punto sulla situazione prima del nostro primo incontro del 19.

Ciascuno di voi in sede di valutazione ha ricevuto indicazione delle motivazioni del voto e delle parti del progetto che necessitavano di modifiche e/o implementazioni. In vista del prima incontro del PEL vi mandiamo un elenco che vorrebbe essere una check list, un’agenda di cose che servono per il progetto e per trasformare il progetto in una tesi. Sottolineiamo che al momento l’impegno dovrebbe essere così suddiviso 70% progetto e 30% eleborato di laurea e man mano che procedete le percentuali si invertiranno. Ognuno di voi a seconda del livello di sviluppo del suo progetto riorienterà il suo impegno su un fronte o sull’altro.


Vi suggerriamo di ripercorre l’iter progettuale ricostruendo una MAPPA del vostro progetto: dalla ricerca inziale, alla costruzione delle situazioni, alla definizione dei macro-scenari …sino ad arrivare al concept e al prodotto.

COSA CONTIENE La mappa dovrebbe riportare tutti gli elementi raccolti evedenziando le connessioni fra loro e sottolineare quei passaggi che hanno condotto alla soluzione finale

A COSA SERVE: 1)ricorstruire il percorso serve a non perdere e non sprecare parti preziose del vostro lavoro, serve anzi a capitalizzarle dando loro valore nella parte del racconto; 2) serve a mettere ordine nelle idee scartare ciò che porta fuori strada e tenere ciò che avvalora il vostro progetto (per esempio evidenzierete solo i bisogni a cui avete dato risposta); 3) visualizzare dei “buchi” o delle mancanze nel vostro percorso che meritano di essere riempiti prendendo in considerazione aspetti trascurati.


Molti dei vostri progetti necessitano di molto “sviluppo prodotto”. Sono ancora troppo concept e poco prodotti: significa che dovete lavorare soprattutto su come si fa quest’oggetto, come si produce, con quali tecnologie. Le tecnologie e i materiali influiscono pesantemente su forme, finiture superficiali ma talvolta anche sulla suddivisione in moduli e componenti.

COSA FARE: occorre che ciscuno di voi ci mostri dei progressi progettuali tenendo conto che ogni prodotto dovrà essere descritto dai seguenti elementi:

– Nome,

– descrizione del prodotto in un tweet (140 caratteri) che ne indetifichi funzione e caratteristiche distintive,

– lay-out e schizzi reimpaginati,

– modalità d’uso/interazione (relazione uomo-oggetto ma anche possibili diverse configurazioni del sistema prodotto ove presenti)

– render,

– disegni tecnici riportanti viste, sezioni, esplosi;

– selezione dei materiali con relative motivazione e scelta di finiture

– tecnologie produttive

– valutazione dei costi

– possibile azienda produttrice (al momento potreste fare delle ipotesi facendo un po’ di benchmarking fra le imprese che potrebbero avere quelle tecnologie e che sono già presenti nel vostro mercato di riferimento)

– comunicazione del prodotto (in relazione all’azienda scelta si sceglierà il canale comunicativo più adeguato per una pagina pubblicitaria e si compilerà una pagina del catalogo)

– modalità di distribuzione


E’ bene farvi notare che le vostre relazioni nella maggior parte dei casi non erano assolutamente avvicinabili a ciò che sarà l’elaborato di tesi. Un buon indice di tesi dovrà prevedere:

Sezione dedicata alla ricerca

-Premessa sul laboratorio

-La ricicerca iniziale e la costruzione dei 4 macroscenari.

-Collocazione del vostro tema di progetto in uno degli scenari

-Analisi del contesto di riferimento,

-Analisi utente,

-Identificazione dei bisogni

-Analisi dei competitors (prodotti esistenti con funzioni analoghe)

Sezione dedicata al progetto

-Ispiration sources e mood-board

-Concept con descrizione dettagliata del prodotto e dei modi d’uso

-Informazioni tecnico produttive (dai disegni tecnici alla produzione)


Certi di vedere i numerosi progressi maturati nell’ultimo mese

vi diamo appuntamento al 19

lo staff del LSF The pleasure of Reading

PS non sapendo se la lista di distribuzione è corretta vi invitiamo a diffondere queste informazioni fra i colleghi.

Book Marker

Nome artefatto: Book Marker

Tipologia di appartenenza:

Produttore: Everyday innovation

Designer: Everyday innovation

Anno e luogo di produzione (se reperibile):

 6.2 x 1.5 x 0.2 inches

Costo di produzione (se reperibile):
  Not specified.

Prezzo al pubblico/gratuità (se reperibile): 4.30 EUR

  c) Artefatto complementare alla lettura

Individuare a quale categoria appartiene l’artefatto

1)Almeno 3 immagini

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2)Descrivere l’artefatto nel momento del suo utilizzo/applicazione, , evidenziando in particolare l’aspetto più strettamente legato alla lettura (500 parole max)

When I want to mark a book I always put a paper in the page to mark, but with this it’s much better because the Bookmarker, witch is thinner than a human air, can mark books and never lose them because it has nifty strap that wraps around my book, can write and erase with the pen and can have post tits. With this I never lose my place again, and never lose my bookmark.

3) indicare tre aggettivi che caratterizzano l’artefatto

Innovative, Multifunctional, Practical

4) Individuare e descrivere le seguenti caratteristiche dell’artefatto.m

Qualità morfologiche

Rispondere in maniera discorsiva (max 500 parole) toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti.

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità morfologiche dell’artefatto.

Thinner, Intelligent.

This artifact its composed by tree peaces the principal, witch has the post tits and the pen, the nifty strap to put around the book when the bookmarker is inside the book, and the post tits to put inside the principal part. The post tits are a movable part. This artifact is all in plastic, unless the nifty strap, so to have the form that the maker has to be used, has a technique for producing the molding. The bookmarker it’s assembled to the nifty strap by a node on the point of the bookmarker, and the post tits are pasted in the spot made for them in the bookmarker. Because it’s made in plastic this object is recycling.


Qualità espressivo/sensoriali

(rispondere in maniera discorsiva, max 500 parole, toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti)

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità espressivo/sensoriali dell’artefatto.

Simple, Normal.

The Bookmarker is an object in plastic but it has parts that aren’t, like the nifty strap, which is an elastic, and the post tits, witch are paper. This object is projected to be in contact with a person always but it can have two functions, can write or simply can be used to mark some book when the person stops to read, so its always projected for a person but it is an multifunction object. I think that the color of the object is very simple, normal and soft. The object is very thin, ergonomic and light because this object is done in plastic.

Qualità funzionali

(rispondere in maniera discorsiva, max 500 parole, toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti)

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità funzionali dell’artefatto.

Practical, Multifunctional.

This object has a lot of functions but the main function is to mark books, but he has also post tits to glue on the books and he has a pen that writes and erases. I think that the form of this objected speaks for it self, in other words I think that by the form you know that the object is a bookmarker and that it has post its, and a pen, because it is very clear. I also think that the form is adaptable to the hand and the material, witch is plastic, is soft and light, so that makes the artifact very comfortable and easy to grab and write. In my opinion this object is used to complement something, because you only use him when you are reading something so you can write on the book, or put the post tits, or mark the book. So to use this bookmarker a book is always needed.

The positive aspects oh this artifact are that is a multifunctional object and because it is very light and ergonomic to write.

The object can modify the book if the person writes on the book, but if the person only uses the Bookmarker as a bookmarker, he doesn’t modify the book because the object is very thin to spoil the book.

Marker-Fool Pen

Nome artefatto: Marker-Fool Pen

Tipologia di appartenenza:

Produttore: Not specified.

Designer: Hai-Ling Zhong

Anno e luogo di produzione (se reperibile):

 24 x 120 x 24 mm

Costo di produzione (se reperibile):
  Not specified.

Prezzo al pubblico/gratuità (se reperibile): It’s not on sale yet.

  c) Artefatto complementare alla lettura

Individuare a quale categoria appartiene l’artefatto

1)Almeno 3 immagini

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2)Descrivere l’artefatto nel momento del suo utilizzo/applicazione, , evidenziando in particolare l’aspetto più strettamente legato alla lettura (500 parole max)

When I’m reading a book I always underlining words or phrases and the Markerfool is basically a portable color printer that is designed to provide a wide range of colors which helps me to understand better the underlining and I don’t have to have more markers. The gadget has a touch screen display that shows the right color for me to use, so I can do the color that I want without having more markers but just having one.

3) indicare tre aggettivi che caratterizzano l’artefatto

Innovation, Smart, Practical

4) Individuare e descrivere le seguenti caratteristiche dell’artefatto.m

Qualità morfologiche

Rispondere in maniera discorsiva (max 500 parole) toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti.

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità morfologiche dell’artefatto.

Uncomfortable, Functional.

This artifact is composed by a lot of peaces, in the exterior he has the pen cap and the principal body witch is composed by a touch screen and in the interior it has all the electronically part. The electronically part has tree devices that allows the marker to do colors, that are the rechargeable batteries, the color transform chip and the CMYK ink box, that is filled with four basic colors. This marker is composed by tree geometric primitive parts two rectangles twitch one his cute in one point, and a square, which it’s cut in one of the points to. This object has a pen cap, which is a square, and movable part and it is connected to the main body by fitting. This artifact is all in plastic, unless the touch screen, so to have the form that the maker has to be used, has a technique for producing the molding. Because it’s made in plastic this object is recycling.

Qualità espressivo/sensoriali

(rispondere in maniera discorsiva, max 500 parole, toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti)

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità espressivo/sensoriali dell’artefatto.

Clean, Light.

This artifact it’s composed by to different materials that are the plastic, witch is in the main body and in the cap pen, and the glass, which is in the touch screen. This object is used only when he is in contact with a person because it is a marker and to write he needs a person, so he was projected for persons. I think that the white and the black are two colors very clean, simply and practical because this colors look good with everything and because it has the touch screen in black, we can understand the different parts that composed the artifact. The chosen material it’s very good for a marker because it’s very light, soft and practical.

Qualità funzionali

(rispondere in maniera discorsiva, max 500 parole, toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti)

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità funzionali dell’artefatto.

Innovation, Smart.

This artifact has two main function witch is underline words or phrases or do drawings in papers to experience the color and that is very important when I’m studying or simply reading a book or simply drawing, but this artifact it’s always used to complement an action. I think that the form of this objected doesn’t look like a marker at all, it looks like a USB disk and to understand how this works its very hard to understand, you always have to have instructions to learn how that works. In my opinion the form of the marker doesn’t look very comfortable to the hand because it’s very square and should be more round. This artifact is mainly used when we are in contact with the reading because his main function is too complementary a reading of any book (studying book, book to entertain or magazines), so this artifact his for individual use.

The positive aspects are that it’s a marker very practical because you only have to have one marker because he has every color you need and because of the chosen material that is very light and soft. The negative aspects are the form of the marker because I think that is not very ergonomic. I think that the artifact could be improved if the form was more round to be more ergonomic.

This object it’s made to change books in a reversible way because the marker servers to underline words or phrases or to draw something in papers so we cant erase what as been written.

Upstanding Retractable Markers

Nome artefatto: Upstanding Retractable Markers

Tipologia di appartenenza:

Produttore: Phaidon

Designer: Doron Livne

Anno e luogo di produzione (se reperibile):

 10 x 2 cm

Costo di produzione (se reperibile):
  Not specified.

Prezzo al pubblico/gratuità (se reperibile): It’s not on sale yet.

c) Artefatto complementare alla lettura

Individuare a quale categoria appartiene l’artefatto

1)Almeno 3 immagini

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Hurdle Lighting

Nome artefatto: Hurdle Lighting
Tipologia di appartenenza: Lamp for the desk
Produttore: Still no mention in its production
Designer: Lee Suk Woo and Byeon Dong Jin
Anno e luogo di produzione (se reperibile): Korea (received a Special mention in 2007 in the Lightouch Design Competition inSingapore)
Dimensioni: Non specified
Costo di produzione (se reperibile): Non specified
Prezzo al pubblico/gratuità (se reperibile): Non specified

Individuare a quale categoria appartiene l’artefatto

c) Artefatto complementare alla lettura

1)Almeno 3 immagini

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2)Descrivere l’artefatto nel momento del suo utilizzo/applicazione, , evidenziando in particolare l’aspetto più strettamente legato alla lettura (500 parole max)

This object has a simple look and an ironic name. Isn’t a new obstacle to reading, is a new facility on a desk to read. Its structure was designed to fit the horizontal and the vertical position. It has a sensor that detects the best position for each situation. Does not take up unnecessary space.

3) indicare tre aggettivi che caratterizzano l’artefatto

Simple, ironic, perfect.

4) Individuare e descrivere le seguenti caratteristiche dell’artefatto.
Qualità morfologiche

Rispondere in maniera discorsiva (max 500 parole) toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti.

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità morfologiche dell’artefatto.

Horizontal and vertical

Consists of several elements. At least one structural element, a lamp, a sensor, an energy source and a mechanism to take a horizontal or vertical. Its shape is a rectangular parallelepiped that assumes five different directions. Is an object with a moving part through a mechanism that allows you to take a horizontal or vertical. The object is reusable but not recyclable.

Qualità espressivo/sensoriali

(rispondere in maniera discorsiva, max 500 parole, toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti)

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità espressivo/sensoriali dell’artefatto.

Light and sensor

I think that the object must be constituted by more than one material. The parts projected to enter into contact with the wearer are the  structure of the lamp and the sensor, that detects objects. The color is energetic, exciting, vibrant. The material is safe, serious and adaptable.

Qualità funzionali

(rispondere in maniera discorsiva, max 500 parole, toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti)

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità funzionali dell’artefatto.

Practical and easy

The main function is to illuminate directly the objects what we have on the desk. The secondary function of the artifact has to adapt to two different situations. It is an object easy to use. The artifact comes into relation with the book, when we want read it  on the table and we want illuminate the object. The artifact help us get a more easy and enjoyable experience. Is used individually. It is used alone. Can be replaced by another lamp. This object is extremely functional, has a directional light, has an ability to adapt and his design makes it occupies little space, set him apart from all other usual lamps. Can be used for example in the context of work or study, in a public or private place. Its use may be long or short time, just depends on the person. The positive aspects of the artifact are the size, shape, mechanism adaptability and lighting system. The negative aspect is not being on the market yet. The artifact could be improved if it were produced in other colors.

Constrained Ball

Nome artefatto: Constrained Ball
Tipologia di appartenenza: Drawing aid
Produttore: Giha Woo
Designer: Giha Woo
Anno e luogo di produzione (se reperibile): 2010
Dimensioni: Non specified
Costo di produzione (se reperibile): Non specified
Prezzo al pubblico/gratuità (se reperibile): Non specified

Individuare a quale categoria appartiene l’artefatto

b) to be used during reading.

1)Almeno 3 immagini

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2)Descrivere l’artefatto nel momento del suo utilizzo/applicazione, evidenziando in particolare l’aspetto più strettamente legato alla lettura (500 parole max)

While we’re reading or studying and we need to underline something, we use a normal, pen or pencil, most of the times when you don’t have a precise hand the lines are winding so it doesn’t look very nice. This device helps to draw straight lines without using a ruler helping to move the ball in one direction only. First we attach the device to the pen, using the installed measuring wheel indicated on the product, we can draw the exact desired line length in both a horizontal and vertical direction, as well as strokes in 45 degree angles.

3) indicare tre aggettivi che caratterizzano l’artefatto

Practical, intelligent, useful

4) Individuare e descrivere le seguenti caratteristiche dell’artefatto.

Qualità morfologiche

Rispondere in maniera discorsiva (max 500 parole) toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti.

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità morfologiche dell’artefatto. 

Rectangular and with a wheel

The Constrained Ball has more than one element, the support for the pen or pencil, the mounting area is made​with a flexible rubber material helping it adhere to the attached pen or pencil and the wheel. This masterpiece, which held the writing support is has also the display that measure the line. The wheel allows us to draw the exact line length both horizontal and vertical direction, as well as strokes in 45 degree angles. It’s an object with a moving part, the wheel, that allow us to move only in one way direction avoiding winding lines. The object is not recyclable.

Qualità espressivo/sensoriali

(rispondere in maniera discorsiva, max 500 parole, toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti)

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità espressivo/sensoriali dell’artefatto.

Comfortable and simple

It has three different materials, plastic on the wheel and digital display, where flexible rubber holds the pen or pencil and metal in the structural element and the mating parts. The color causes security, reliability and functionality. The material is lightweight, safe and comfortable.

Qualità funzionali

(rispondere in maniera discorsiva, max 500 parole, toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti)

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità funzionali dell’artefatto.

Practical and useful

The device is designed to run straight lines without effort and in a simple and practical way it performs multiple functions. The main function is to run straight lines (underline). The secondary is to be able to length lines in both horizontal and vertical directions, as well as strokes in 45 degrees angles. It is easy to use and comfortable as it overrides the effort of trying to make a straight line. The device comes into contact and is related to reading and the support because it is used to underline text, therefor, influence the reading in the sense that emphasizes aspects that were previously read, easing later to identify them, also alters the media (book, magazine …). It is used together with a book or a support to scratch, it can be used only per one person each time. This devise can be replaced by the ruler, it is a suitable replacement for the same result, though less practical. It’s made​for young (from more or less 10 years old) and old people, but it’s most indicated to adults and can be used in a private or public space. The time is unlimited, it depends in what we need to underline.The positive is that you can do strait lines in a quicker and comfortable way. The negative is that you lose control of the training of you’re hands to do strait lines.
This product could be improved if it were produced in several different colors, it would be a way to please everyone like certain age groups like children who are repeatedly stimulated by color and shape of objects. Eventually it could be created pieces with the colors of the various countries Flags however, the color of the device would lose simplicity and minimalism and will become visually tiring for most users.The devise it’s made to change the support, it could be reversible or irreversible. Reversible if you use the pencil without pressing the paper.

Archieve Series

Nome artefatto: Archive II ( There are Archive Series I, II and III)
Tipologia di appartenenza: Traveling Librarie
Produttore: David Garcia Studio
Designer: David Garcia
Anno e luogo di produzione (se reperibile): 2005
Dimensioni:  Not specified
Costo di produzione (se reperibile): Not specified
Prezzo al pubblico/gratuità (se reperibile): Not specified

Individuare a quale categoria appartiene l’artefatto

a) Contenere / conservare prima o dopo la lettura.
b) Da utilizzare durantela lettura.

1)Almeno 3 immagini

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2)Descrivere l’artefatto nel momento del suo utilizzo/applicazione, evidenziando in particolare l’aspetto più strettamente legato alla lettura (500 parole max)

The Archive Series has been exhibited for the first time at the Royal Danish Art Academy Fall Show 2005. The main purpose of this library is to blur the borders between art and design creating a way for the reader to travel with their own library. While reading we can actually walk and read at the same time, “the average reader can read about 240 words per minute a 300 page book normally takes 9 hours to read, non stop, if you read while you walk, you can read a book in about 43 kilometers if you read and walk, watch out for traffic”. We can step inside own balance library and reading will coexist as refuge and transport in the imagination.

3) indicare tre aggettivi che caratterizzano l’artefatto

Imaginative, absurd, non functional

4) Individuare e descrivere le seguenti caratteristiche dell’artefatto.

Qualità morfologiche

Rispondere in maniera discorsiva (max 500 parole) toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti.

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità morfologiche dell’artefatto. – Circle and not static

The circular library is made of only one component, a shelf, this component contains a certain number of books so that you can walk and sit in the library and maintain the same balance. The piece doesn’t contain hinges, however may or may not be a static object because it is a circular piece that moves with the the reader’s interaction. The library is made of wood. In order for the wood to bent precisely, the subject had to be assembled by combining several narrow strips of wood. Once installed the product should not be dismantled, only books are put or taken according to the weight of the user. Being the object of wood it can be recycled.

Qualità espressivo/sensoriali

(rispondere in maniera discorsiva, max 500 parole, toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti)

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità espressivo/sensoriali dell’artefatto. – Balance and curiousity

The bookstore is only made of wood, two huge circular shapes form a giant circular shelf. Every object is made to contact with the reader in the act of reading, both as a support to keep the books as to interact with the reader. The reader may keep books, as well as sit and walk with them simultaneously. The color gives us naturalness, simplicity and tranquility. The material gives us balance, curiosity and comfort.

Qualità funzionali

(rispondere in maniera discorsiva, max 500 parole, toccando i punti di seguito elencati, se rilevanti)

Indicare 2 tag che identifichino le qualità funzionali dell’artefatto. – Absurd and non functional

This object is thought to interact with the reader in the act of transporting and reading the book together. The main function of this object is to store books, since it functions as a library, but has a secondary function, also important, sitting or walking with the books always bringing the library back. Because it is a different subject matter and a little absurd to understanding not just immediately, only after some observation you can came to the conclusion of its usefulness. The use is not very complicated but is not ether functional or practical. Caring a library, read and move at the same time, without hitting any object, becomes difficult to perform. The object enters into relation with reading in the conduct of transport as in reading. It is impractical to walk and read at the same time so it can be an interesting experiment but the action of reading it could be also difficult. It is to be used individually in progress, if it is stopped, you can sit two people in the object. This object has to be used with shelves full of books otherwise there is imbalance and makes it dangerous to walk together with the object. Can be replaced by other conventional shelf for books as well as a chair but can not perform the same action. It would be a proper replacement, more vulgar and less absurd, however, less fun. This object was made for an exhibition at the Royal Danish Art Academy Fall 2005 Show and Main Library University of Roskilde (public). It’s not being produced for sale to the public, this book can be used by children and adults, however books be placed or taken from the shelf to be proportional with the users weight. Their use is unlimited because when the reader does not use the object to read always use it to keep books. The positives are the possibility to interact with books and reading in a different, creative and dynamic way. The negatives are the lack of functionality and usefulness of the product, as well as the lack of security because it is not a static obstacle, it should not be kept in a domestic environment. The artifact could be improved if it was created a adjoin piece that could hold the book shelf to a certain place (wall, floor,…).